Monday 7 July 2014


Buttermere Valley
On the 5th of July, Dad and I went for a day walk on Haystacks. Haystacks is a mountain in the Lake District, it's in the south-eastern end of the Buttermere Valley. It has an elevation of 597m.

We walked about 9km and met a four nice tourists. Two were German sisters, one was a Greek girl and the other was a Scottish man. We chatted and I really enjoyed walking with them.

The views were great. Buttermere Valley is a u-shaped valley. When rivers grind away at the soft rock under them they form v-shaped valleys. A u-shaped valley is caused by erosion by ice. Unlike rivers that just flow at the very bottom of the valley a glacial erodes the land around it too.
The friends we made
The way we are about to walk

The path was was graveled in some places and less worn in others. The hills were quite steep but when we were on ridges the walking was nice.

By the time we got back to the bike I had blisters but I had still enjoyed it.

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