Monday 23 June 2014

Singapore Stop Over

Sunday 15/6/14

We got up at 5:15 to do last minute packing and preparing, after which we drove to the airport. We checked in at Qantas and then sat with mum and Stella. Mum and Stella had to leave us as we went through security. I was so sad but I knew mum would come overseas to see us soon. 

The flight to Singapore was very full and the main meals were horrible but they had lots of nice little treats like hot chocolate with a marsh mellow. The journey took 8 hours, I watched movies most of the way. 

When we arrived we went on the travelators to the currency exchange to get some money, a Singapore dollar is roughly 1.20 to an Australian dollar. We decided to book into the transit hotel rather than sleep on the floor which I total agreed with.

Once we dropped of our stuff in the hotel room we went to the airport supermarket and bought lots of things that we had never seen or heard of before, we spent the next 40 minutes on the train to Bougis markets trying all of the food and drinks. most of them were sweet we didn't like any of them.

Bougis was really crowded and the humid air made it hard to breathe, but the markets were fun anyway. Dad bought some shirts and I bought some cheap earrings as a souvenir. For dinner we had some chicken and rice, the stall only had spoons so it was a bit messy trying to eat.

Because Singapore is right on the equator it gets dark very late, we were wondering round the markets when dad checked the time and our clock was set to Australian time so we rushed back to the airport thinking it was 11:00pm only to find out that it was only 9:00. We were a bit disappointed that we hadn't stayed at the markets but we had a good laugh about it later though.

We went to bed soon after we got back to the transit hotel.

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