Thursday 12 June 2014

Leaving Home

Friday 13/06/14

Dad has been talking about a big holiday for years, and now we are finally going to have one. we have booked plane tickets and have decided to go to England, Ireland, France, India, Egypt and Singapore (we'll only stay overnight in Singapore).The plan is to fly out of the Gold Coast and stop in Singapore before flying into London. From there we will book tickets to Egypt. Then we will go to Ireland and France before flying home via India. I am so excited! But I am also nervous, mum has given me a gorgeous key ring with a rose quartz and a horse on it to help me with homesickness. I have been really slack with packing, I have barely started and I fly out on Sunday morning which means that we'll have to leave on Saturday afternoon. While we are over there we will stay with relatives and backpack, hopefully we will visit a couple of scout halls to trade badges with because thats one of my hobbies.


  1. Dear Abi, TR7 was thinking about you today and wondering where you are now. Mrs Rouse was wondering if you are at your bronze or silver level and we are looking at classical columns- I guess you may be seeing the more authentic thing than our photocopy. That key ring sounds like a beautiful momento. Hope you got packed in time, but with back packing, less is more. Enjoy, Abi.
    All the best from TR7

  2. Thanks I'm in Wimbledon Chase stay with my Grandparents but we will head up to Penrith in the north end of the country soon.
