Thursday 18 September 2014

France 2 Part 4

While on the route Napoleon we drove through the Verdon George which was absolutely gorgeous and made the hours fly, I loved driving through the mountains. After we headed cross country through the Camargue. 

The Camargue was great and we saw some amazing sights including some flamingos! That night we camped by a canal and were swamped by mosquitoes. It wasn’t a very good night but the morning made up for it.

In the morning we stopped at a riding stable which had a big herd of Camargue ponies and about 10 Shetlands where dad tried to get a ride for me, but they didn't understand so dad spent about 30 min trying to talk to them while I patted the ponies. Just as we were about to give up and leave an old lady arrived and started feeding the ponies bread. At the last minute after she was on a horse and about to ride off when she asked if I was coming, so I got a nice ride after all. 

We had calculated that we had only about 2 hours to free time, but the horse ride took about 1 hour 40 minutes, so we were slightly behind time. Then disaster hit as we found ourselves in the middle of a colossal traffic jam which we found out later was all the people on holiday in the south of France where it was sunny and warm going back to the north for the beginning of school and work. We thought that there must have been a fuel strike because when we pulled into a servo for fuel there was about 60 cars lined up to use the pumps and only one person working at the till.

This put us seriously behind time so afterwards we just fanged along the motorway and had to skip a couple of things like Carcassonne which is a huge medieval fortified town and castle.

But we got to Jo's just on time so everything was OK.
Driving through the Camargue (you can see mosquitoes on our wind screen)

A picture of a canal and a lake in the Camargue

Me with the lady who got me a ride.

Some of the  horses walking to the feeding troughs

Horses at the troughs

Me heading of on the ride

A panorama of the country we rode on

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this, for some reason all the snails where on this side of this post. I didn't see any snails anywhere else, it was like they were having a meeting.

Camping on the Camargue

1 comment:

  1. You are becoming an expert blogger! Sounds like lots of learning is occurring! Happy travels
