Thursday 4 September 2014

France Trip 2, Part 1

On Tuesday the 19th of August we caught a ferry across the English Channel to Calais in France. We planned to spend about a month in France and rough agenda was to spend a week getting to Jo's house in Port de Lanne, have a week there before traveling to Remy and Jenny in Grasse. Then spend some time at their house on the Cote d'Azur  and another week driving back to Calais to catch the ferry.

The ferry trip wasn’t that bad because it was only an hour but I felt a little sick. When we were in England our friend Linnit had given us a little red ribbon to tie one the right handle bar so we would remember which side to drive on, even so I still had to remind dad.  We drove for a couple of hours and then camped for the night. 

The next day we visited some First World War memorials and grave yards. This was good because I learnt a lot of history, especially about trench warfare, and which countries were allies. That night we headed to Paris. By amazing coincidence we booked the same hotel as a previous visit, which I thought was cool. It was nice to stay in a hotel, even if it was the cheapest in Paris. We planned to go to the Louvre that night but I was too tired so we decided to go in the morning. 

We slept in and had to queue for a long time, but it was worth it because the Louvre is fantastic. I only got to see a fraction of it because we went to the Egyptian stuff first.We had only done a room when we decided to get an audio guide, which took about an hour including more queuing. I had waited on a bench in the Egyptian section and when dad got back we started listening, but the audio guide was only meant for one person and it was very good so dad went and got another one.

So, by the time we left the museum we had seen the Egyptian stuff and the Mona Lisa, which we raced to amongst the crowds before leaving.
As we left Paris we did a quick ride around the famous places/things like the Eiffel tower and the Arc de triumph before driving on South.
Me walking through 1 of 2000 war grave yards.

Me standing at the edge of a huge mine crater at La Boisselle. The 27 tonnes of explosive used left a mine crater is 30 metres deep and 90 metres wide.

An Australian war memorial with a statue of a digger.

A first world war memorial with bullet holes in from the second world war.

Camping on the front line
Driving down the Champs Elysee.
A picture of us in front of the Eiffel Tower

Getting stuck in a Ferrari race (sorry the pictures on the side).
A real mummy in the Louvre

Funerary servants that would work in the after-life for you.

A picture of the Mona Lisa

The Louvre museum is huge!

A statue of a king that had its arms and legs broken and was tied down because the Egyptians feared it would come to life.

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